Building Today — Strengthening Tomorrow

Words Have Power to Attract
Words Have the Power to Attract or Push Away Which do you prefer? Warm conversations or loud outbursts? I dare say what the ear hears is an important indicator of emotions to follow. If what I hear pleases me, my curiosity moves me toward a deeper conversation. But if...

Love the Jesus Way
What might it mean to love the Jesus Way? I already say words like, “I love you” to those closest to me. But is that what love is all about? And, I wonder why Valentine’s Day, February 14th, falls smack dab in the middle of a 28-day month. Perhaps there is a more...

Harmony Begins With You
Do you believe harmony begins with you? You are a gift. It's true. A new year is the perfect time to refocus on putting the beautiful gift of harmony into practice. The best part is it all begins with you. Are you at peace with yourself? This is the starting point....

The True Gifts of Christmas
Is it possible the true gifts of Christmas aren’t in the pretty packages beneath the Christmas tree? It is good to be children sometimes, and never better than at Christmas when its mighty Founder was a child Himself. ―Dickens As a child, I loved looking through the...

Harmony Grows in Thankful Hearts
Harmony will Grow in Thankful Hearts "God has two dwellings—one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart." Isaac Walton None of us walk through life without moments of feeling irritated. But hurt feelings, left unattended, often start a quarrel. There are...