Your answers to the 12 statements below will help you decide if you are ready to work with a coach.
- ___ I am willing to invest in myself to create changes in my life
- ___ I am not looking for a quick fix
- ___ I am willing to discover my strengths and identify my weaknesses in order to remove the behaviors that are preventing my success
- ___ I will take responsibility for my future knowing I am the only one who can create my story
- ___ I will not expect my Coach to do more than coach me to be my personal best
- ___ I will be completely honest with my Coach
- ___ I am ready to hear the truth even when it confronts me in an uncomfortable way
- ___ I want to live from this day forward as my authentic self
- ___ I understand coaching is not counseling, or therapy, but a process for change to take place
- ___ I am willing to commit to keeping the scheduled coaching appointments
- ___ I am ready to work on the action steps spoken about in the coaching sessions
- ___ I understand I will be working with a Coach who believes in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
I have placed X’s before ____ statements.
Less than 5 = No, not coachable right now
6-8 = Yes, coachable if you are ready to conform to above statements
9-12 = Yes, very coachable and willing to honor the process and make progress!
If your score indicates you are ready to be coached contact Maxine Marsolini for the gift of a complimentary coaching session.