by Maxine Marsolini | Apr 20, 2019 | Dynamic Family, Family Spotlight |
The fact that the garden tomb could not hold Him is cause for celebration. This single truth is great news for all of us. Jesus conquered death! He’s made a way for us to do the same. Mark 16:2-7 (NIV) Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise,...
by Maxine Marsolini | Apr 4, 2019 | Family Spotlight, Money Talk |
Closing the gap between desire and reality is achieved through determination We are all manufacturers. Some make good, others make trouble, and still others make excuses.[i] Some make garden beds and others, like me, are happy in the kitchen trying out new recipes. I...
by Maxine Marsolini | Mar 21, 2019 | Family Spotlight, Money Talk |
Beware! The payday loan trap is out to get you Americans spend $7.4 billion per year on payday loans, including an average of $520 in interest per borrower for eight $375 loans or extensions.[i] While enjoying a drive into downtown Portland via Powell Boulevard, I...
by Maxine Marsolini | Mar 7, 2019 | Dynamic Family, Family Spotlight |
A surprising look at majesty beneath the surface To look at the landscape, nothing appears unusual about the rise and fall of dry land. There are numerous cactus varieties and miles of hiking trails. A desert is supposed to look this way. But this place is much more...
by Maxine Marsolini | Feb 21, 2019 | Dynamic Family, Family Spotlight |
Shadows. We all have one. But how big a shadow do we cast? In many ways, the legacy we leave behind depends on the shadow we cast. Will that image be big or small; good or downright awful? Friendly or frightening? Childish Shadows As a child I had lots of fun with my...