by Maxine Marsolini | Apr 12, 2023 | Dynamic Family, Family Spotlight |
Keeping Family Fun on the Calendar Families that remember to play together bless their homes with increased harmony. All work and seriousness is exhausting. Play initiates togetherness, builds memories and resets moods. Laughter, smiles, and good times are healthy for...
by Maxine Marsolini | Mar 17, 2023 | Dynamic Family, Family Spotlight |
Spring cleaning goes beyond housework. It’s relationship smart. As dark winter days give way to longer daylight hours and sunshine, we find added motivation to tackle the projects needing our attention. But don’t forget to spruce up those important...
by Maxine Marsolini | Feb 10, 2023 | Family Growth, Family Spotlight |
Rather than shopping for the perfect Valentine card, why not consider being the love letter this year? Afterall, actions speak louder than words printed in ink. What might being the love look like? To answer this question let’s probe the pages of Scripture. This is my...
by Maxine Marsolini | Jan 9, 2023 | Family Spotlight |
I believe New Year’s resolutions should be profitable. Unless there’s something to be gained, there’s no reason to make them at all. So what can we do to make this year’s resolutions more successful than last year’s? A Very Profitable New Year’s Resolution Rather than...
by Maxine Marsolini | Dec 14, 2022 | Family Growth, Family Spotlight |
Harmony at home often depends on how well we make room for quiet moments during the busiest season of the year. Some haste is to be expected, but too much rushing around could be detrimental. Let’s take time to check in with ourselves. Ask: Am I in a happy state of...