by Maxine Marsolini | Nov 15, 2021 | Dynamic Family |
“The secret of happiness is to count your blessings while others are adding up their trouble.” ―William Penn As we sit around the table on Thanksgiving day will we dish up a spoonful of thankfulness alongside the turkey and sweet potatoes? This day reminds us to be...
by Maxine Marsolini | Oct 26, 2021 | Dynamic Family, Family Spotlight |
The truth about Halloween’s origin might surprise us. It actually draws from both Celtic and Christian traditions. So where does the name Halloween come from? Is it Christian or Pagan? Halloween is actually two words smushed together. “Hallow” — or...
by Maxine Marsolini | Sep 14, 2021 | Family Spotlight, Money Talk |
Consider why it might be good to live within sustainable means . . . Early Formative Years Please join me on a short trip back to my formative years in southern Oregon. My dad was our sole provider. He went to work each day. My mother stayed at home. The four of us...
by Maxine Marsolini | Aug 19, 2021 | Dynamic Family, Family Spotlight |
Preparing for a new school year can add new layers of anxiety. How can a family motivate their students about school with so many complex social issues coming at us? Talk Up Learning Learning is so important. Sadly, too many struggled over the last year. It appears...
by Maxine Marsolini | Jul 16, 2021 | Dynamic Family, Family Spotlight |
“For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.” Hebrews 8:12 NKJV Abraham lied. Moses killed a man. Jacob stole his brother’s inheritance. Rahab was a prostitute and Peter denied knowing Jesus. And I...