by Maxine Marsolini | Nov 9, 2017 | Dynamic Family, Family Spotlight |
Psalms 107:1NIV Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. Remember, child of God, you are loved even when you don’t think you are. God says so! His truth is greater than man’s. In response, live lives of thankfulness. All of us...
by Maxine Marsolini | Nov 2, 2017 | Dynamic Family, Money Talk |
Lord, Ignite a fire in my heart for who You are and use it to guide me in everything I do today, especially in the smallest details. Amen.[1] Rewards Are Promised Those Who Seek A few weeks ago we found ourselves wandering through an antique mall in a small Oregon...
by Maxine Marsolini | Oct 26, 2017 | Dynamic Family, Money Talk |
It is safe to say that when people are short on cash they might be less productive at work, be worse parents, and have less self-control.[i] ―Sendhil Mullainathan Heal Those Money Wounds An annoying skin rash that was not responding to Aloe Vera or Benadryl caused me...
by Maxine Marsolini | Oct 12, 2017 | Dynamic Family, Family Spotlight |
What You Don’t Know “Can” Hurt You is the direct opposite wording of a commonly-used phrase. What you don’t know can’t hurt you is what we’ve often been led to believe. And to be honest, I’ve said it myself over the years....
by Maxine Marsolini | Oct 5, 2017 | Dynamic Family, Money Talk |
The High Cost of Clutter Many powerful emotions are lurking amid stuff we keep. Whether its piles of unread newspapers, clothes that don’t fit, outdated electronics, even empty margarine tubs, the things we accumulate reflect some of our deepest thoughts and...
by Maxine Marsolini | Sep 28, 2017 | Dynamic Family, Family Spotlight |
Every day heroes are among us . . . and in plain sight. Might they be “you” and “me”? What makes a hero? Being your own hero is about rising to the occasion and being the best you can be. Striving toward being a hero in your own life means...