Am I a Have or a Have Not?

Good money management is always a matter of putting basic financial principles into practice day-after-day, month-after-month, year-after-year. Living in the beautiful Pacific Northwest means rainy days are going to happen. It’s not a matter of if, but when. That...

What Employers Look For

Employers like people who are warm, friendly, easygoing, and cooperative with others. Employers are looking for people who can join the team and be part of the work family. Prepare for the hunt. It’s not all about the money. Corporate heads, and business owners—those...

Missed Money Opportunities

Millionaires tend to be more thoughtful about savings and financial decisions. Take that deliberate approach to every nook and cranny of your budget, and you can free up hundreds—or thousands—a year. Are we missing opportunities to accumulate wealth because we fail to...

Budget-loving Summer Makeovers

Because someday I’ll look back on all my saving and see a life well spent. We get tired of the same old look year-after-year. Seasons change and sometimes furniture and furnishings need changing, too. The good news is it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money to create a...