What if we were to embrace change as nature does? Can we see life as a palette of color designed to contribute good to the whole? 

The fall season in the Pacific Northwest is full of undeniable beauty. Summer leaves turn from their solitary hues to a plethora of multi-colored patterns that innately know how to harmonize with one another. Onlookers, like me, stare in awe at God’s incredible way of creating masterpieces simply with a change of seasons. What if God is about this same kind of transformative work in our lives? Will we see ourselves growing more beautiful?

Embrace the Power of Change

When we look upon the leaf we can see how important the power of change is in our own lives, and our attitudes shift. All of us, if we are honest, can use a bit of polishing up. Throughout our lives character continues to grow and develop. The aim is to resemble the attitudes and actions of Christ. Change is how we drop old habits and acquire steps to becoming the people God designed us to be. He will provide opportunities for harmony to grow in every relationship. The key is to embrace those seasons of change as a gift from His hand—a gift for our good.

We All Walk Into Change

Like it or not, change is common to all. But it’s not always appreciated. Walking into new, unforeseen, and sometimes scary days won’t always feel okay. We might not want to move forward. We’d rather avoid that season. When there’s a serious health diagnosis, the sudden loss of a job, an unexpected pregnancy, or the death of a loved one, we will struggle to see it as good. Human nature and emotional responses can pose a threat and might even push us to denial or depression. Be watchful. Be purposeful. Determined to stay the course simply because God already knows the season we enter into and promises to walk through it with us.

As I walk with my husband in a season of memory loss, I look to the unpretentious leaf as one who teaches. Changing seasons are like those pretty leaves. I liked them when they were green and in their youth. And now dressed in beautiful, indescribable colors, they are growing sweeter to me. I pray to be as graceful and as willing to fall into God’s plans as they are. I want to accept each season of change as one lined with God’s divine purpose.

Lessons From the Leaf:

  1. Leaves do life alongside other leaves. Their biggest blessings come from being together along the branches. A single leaf cannot produce a breeze that cools. We are also most effective when we live life in harmony with loved ones, co-workers, friends, and a variety of other people.
  2. Grafting can take place. The Dogwood tree is a good example. Two varieties can co-exist on a single tree trunk. One is pink and the other white. Together they create a beautiful burst of color. Families are quite similar. Not all of us are from the same gene pool or ethnicity. But together we are significant to the whole. What matters is how well we share the branch—how well we each contribute to the presence of harmony at home, at work, and in our communities. Choose to add worth. Be a living example of harmony.
  3. Leaves are multi-beneficial. They improve the air we breathe, provide shade, and offer nesting protection for birds and wildlife. When we look around, the same is true for us. We have the power to improve relationships, provide shelter, and accept others who are different from us. A heart set on working together is like a cool breeze on a hot day. Like the leaves, we are beneficial to the whole. Harmony grows stronger and hope is carried forth to the multitudes.

God Designed Us for Change

Psalms 1:3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.

What person is God talking about? You and me. Can we embrace change with a heart centered on God’s will, and let beauty come forth, or will we fight change? One mindset is in line with God’s intent for us. The other will more than likely result in a downcast spirit. Choose His ways and learn from the leaf.


Lord, forgive us for fighting the changes that You bring into our lives. When we see a leaf turn colors, remind us of Your work in our lives. Allow us to see Your handiwork and the good You are about. Please hold our hand and fill us with anticipation rather than dread for what is to come. Amen

Coaches Corner:

If seeing change as a good thing is not easy for you, talking with a life coach can help you take those next steps forward. The first 30 minute session is free. https://www.rebuildingfamilies.net/a-life-coach-wants-to-help-you-achieve-your-goals/

Photo by timothy-eberly-yuiJO6bvHi4-unsplash-



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