We live in troubling times. Finding peace in Corona virus days is more important than ever.
John 14:27 (NKJV) points us to lasting peace. These are the words of our Savior, Jesus Christ. “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
I walked into a local grocery store to pick up a few things like lettuce, carrots, fruit, bread, peanut butter, rice and milk. It surprised me to find so many empty shelves. Rather than buying heads of lettuce, I settled for packaged containers. Carrots and bananas were available but eggs were totally gone. I was pleased not to need eggs that day. The rice I would usually get wasn’t available. So, trying a new kind of rice seemed the best option. Forbidden Rice should be an interesting new flavor. Perhaps I will want to buy it again.
Choose not to get caught up in fear
Finding peace in the midst of Corona virus restrictions, closed restaurants, and in some cases lock down circumstances, has a way of stealing our sense of peace. We can get caught up in thinking of what we don’t have, or are unable to do as before, and become fearful. But let’s not forget to count our blessings.
Think of our many blessings
Blessings are many. We are a fortunate people who live in an age of plenty. On my blessing list is clean air to breathe, water to drink from the faucet, family to love, and neighbors to call upon when in need. This day of technology is a huge blessing right now. Some of our family members live far away. We can see them on the computer or I-phone, send e-mails, face-time, and stay in touch as if they were closer.
Our church services are temporarily changed from gathering together in the building to watching online from home. Yes, we miss the fellowship but are thankful for the blessing of technology.
Remember this too shall pass
The economy has had ups and downs before and now we find it in a fickle state again. Remember, this too shall pass. Plagues and viruses have come and gone, and more will likely come. But history proves they also pass. Take hope in knowing bad times aren’t forever. Remember it’s smart to heed good hygiene protocol, with frequent hand washing, not touching our faces, and honoring the rules imposed. They are all decisions meant to shorten the duration of Corona virus.
Our best offense is to trust in God; that He’s is in control. With His help we will weather this temporary blip and soon get back to our normal routines. Don’t entertain fear. Despite this scary pandemic known as Corona virus, God has not taken His eyes off of us. Let’s seek Him in prayer and trust His peace is far beyond the world’s concept of peace. This peace is soul-deep from the One who loves us most.