Do you believe harmony begins with you?  

You are a gift. It’s true. A new year is the perfect time to refocus on putting the beautiful gift of harmony into practice. The best part is it all begins with you. Are you at peace with yourself? This is the starting point. We can’t be fighting our own inner demons and fully expect to live in harmony with others. The two concepts are incompatible.

How can we know harmony is onboard? 

Let’s start the year by taking an inventory of our emotional well-being. Is there a surplus of joy? If so, what is its source? Or is there an overabundance of heaviness robbing you of joy? If so, what lies beneath that dark cloud?

Where do priorities lie? Do accomplishments and career choices take center stage? They won’t satisfy for the long run. Marital status and family life might be fulfilling, but they aren’t enough to keep the blues in check. Social activities are diversions and bring fun for a while, but they are fleeting moments. We could find ourselves chasing things that are quite honestly not what God wants us to run after. Most things of the world will leave us feeling something is missing.

The missing thing is knowing God’s love. He alone fills that empty void. God alone gives us merciful strength to live in true harmony with ourselves. Why? Because only in Christ are we declared in right relationship with our Creator. This, my friend, is harmony. We cannot create it apart from understanding the power of His forgiveness. Once that step is taken, harmony is onboard. Our inner self has found its peace. After holy love finds its home in us, we are equipped to pour that same grace into our relationships.

A New Year represents fresh tomorrows. 

A new year means yesterday is finished. There is no do-over. It’s time to let it go. Today is the beginning of all our tomorrows. Like a new book with chapters yet to be written, let’s not waste the opportunity to fill those fresh days with purposeful blessings.

Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. Romans 12:16 NIV

God tells us we are His beloved (Song of Solomon 7:10), the apple of His eye (Zechariah 2:8), a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:5), a holy nation (1 Peter 2:9), and witnesses of His salvation (Acts 1:8).

Since harmony begins with a personal decision, why not choose to start the year with a fresh commitment to discover God’s character and live out who He tells us we are?

Be the role model.

First things first. Settle the harmony issue between yourself and God. Then let this amazing gift find its way into the lives of your loved ones, co-workers, and even the strangers you meet in the days to come. Be the role model God designed you to be and take note of the blessings that come your way.


Lord, make us instruments of Your harmony. Create in us a hunger to live the life You designed for us to live. A life where we are at peace with ourselves and those around us, not because of self-effort or circumstances, but because of the Holy Spirit who lives in us. In Christ, this is possible. Amen

Coaches Corner:

Do you struggle to be at peace with yourself? Is it hard for you to get along with others? If so, a relationship coach can help you move forward. The first 30 minute session is free.

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