I imagine you feel like I do. It’s no fun to stumble.

Caves are a lot like life. Both offer opportunity to stumble. For years I’d drive past Newberry National Volcanic Monument and its Lava Lands Visitor Center. But today I was determined to stop and see what all the fuss is about. In particular I wanted to visit the Lava Lands Cave, the longest known lava tube in Oregon. After convincing my husband this would be fun, we boldly took those first steps that led us 150 feet beneath the earth’s surface. Once a visitor reaches the cave’s floor, it continues on for nearly a mile.

“All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.” – Francis of Assisi

What we didn’t expect was the uneven, rocky, descent into near utter darkness. Renting headlamps was optional. Thankfully, we were smart enough to pay the small fee and wear them. Even so, the lamps proved wimpy at best. They didn’t give off enough light to prevent stumbling or twisting an ankle. We gingerly felt our way along the cave’s interior thinking how nice it would be to have enough light to reveal where our next step should be. Despite feeling anxious, the time came when we did find our way out of the underground blackness and back into the bright sunshine.

None of us live a stumble free life.

Whether it’s bad news, or financial woes, work related, or self-caused pain from less than stellar choices, these kind of trials can darken our days. When they do, we might momentarily think God has abandoned us and ask, “Why?”. Life wasn’t supposed to be like this. It’s taken a twist we didn’t see coming. This stumble causes us to feel banged up, bruised, and in need of recovery.

What causes us to stumble? We stumble when we take our eyes off of the Light of the World—our Savior, Jesus Christ. My husband’s memory loss is not explainable, it is simply the path we walk and it’s a bumpy one. It’s easy to stumble into crankiness. Most days our moods are boosted by God’s truth. He is our light in the midst of a darkness we don’t understand. With His wisdom we will not stumble. After all, He is the light of the world that reveals the next steps to take. He is our lamp of hope.

What can we do to avoid another similar stumble?

God’s Word sheds light on all areas of our lives. When we heed His instructions, we experience fewer stumbles. For instance, God tells us to be good stewards of what is entrusted to us. One way we do this is to heed financial wisdom and not become servants to the lenders. If possible, avoid going into debt. Instead, learn to appreciate delayed gratification when making a purchase. Many portions of the Bible prompt us to ask for God’s guidance. And another instructs us to seek wise counsel.

I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness. John 12:46

Why would we choose to live life as if we were in a dark cave when we are blessed to have the Light of the World eager to guide our paths?


Lord, we are a stumbling people. Forgive us for taking matters into our own hands when Your lamp is so eager to light our way. Open our eyes that we might see Your path clearly.  Amen

Coaches Corner:

If you find it difficult to overcome a stumble you’ve taken, talking with a life coach can help you take those next steps forward. The first 30 minute session is free. https://www.rebuildingfamilies.net/a-life-coach-wants-to-help-you-achieve-your-goals/

Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

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