What might it mean to love the Jesus Way? 

I already say words like, “I love you” to those closest to me. But is that what love is all about? And, I wonder why Valentine’s Day, February 14th, falls smack dab in the middle of a 28-day month. Perhaps there is a more purposeful, yet hidden, significance.

Maybe its placement is a picture of love overcoming two very different points of view. Both are credible. Neither is foolish. For instance, my husband may think one way about celebrating Valentine’s Day and I may have an entirely different idea of how the day should be spent. Rather than insisting on my plan, or getting upset, I can give up my selfish desire and choose to honor his plan. That’s one way we love the Jesus way.

True love isn’t just about warm and fuzzy feelings. It’s more about being loyal and trustworthy. In fact, Biblical love considers others above self. 1 Corinthians 13:8a tells us: Love never fails.

The Bible defines three distinct types of love. Together they give us a bigger picture of what it means to have a heart of affection for others.

Eros Love

Eros is a romantic love expressed through physical and emotional attraction. This might mean kisses and warm embraces, chocolates and roses, and deep intimate conversations. This love underpins a lifelong covenant relationship. Read the Song of Solomon.

Phileo Love

Brotherly love is friendship driven. It looks a lot like the relationships shared between David and Jonathan, or Paul and Luke, or John and Jesus in Bible passages. These men forged a friendship that was closer than a brother. They cared deeply, shared common interests, and were trustworthy to the end. Phileo love creates lifelong relationships, encourages, empathizes, and gives of itself to help a friend. This is another example of how we can love the Jesus way.

Agape Love

Agape is the highest form of love. Jesus is the greatest example of a love that shows no favoritism, has no strings attached, or hidden motives. It is unconditional and not dependent on a person’s behavior. The heart of agape love values all people simply because all are made in God’s image. Those who love the Jesus way will love as Jesus does.

1 John 4:7 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 

What About those Hard to Love People

Before you stop reading, I get it that not all people are easy to love. Some rub us the wrong way. Others we might want to cancel or avoid. When we’ve been betrayed, chewed out, or the brunt of someone’s misleading lies, it’s human nature to want to strike back or withhold a blessing. But that is contrary to the nature of Christ. Be honest. We all have off days, cranky behaviors, and sometimes less than lovable.

But Jesus is forever faithful. His love remains strong.

What would Jesus do? He knew betrayal but chose to love the sinners anyway. By extending grace, as He did with Zaccheaus (Luke 19:2-10), the door was left open for repentance, reconciliation, and life transformation to take place.

Actions Reveal the Heart

The way we treat others displays our true heart condition. Let’s take personal inventory of how we react to the sandpaper people in our lives. Do we reflect the heart of Jesus? Be honest.

“The stream of pure and genuine love derives its current from above.” ―Cowper, Love Abused

Love in Action

We all want and need love. But there are times when we must deliberately choose to love above any other emotions that arise. Will you join me in remembering to love, even our enemies, the Jesus way?

We can all give a kind word, say a prayer, discipline our tongue, let an offense go, or deliver a bouquet of flowers. Yes, Jesus set the bar high but the Holy Spirit equips us to do the same.

“Love will conquer at the last.” ―Tennyson


Lord, make us instruments of Your agape love. Awaken desire in our hearts. Forgive us for thinking more of self-gratification than the good of others. Thank you for loving us even when our deeds are unlovable. May the love we receive from You spill freely into the lives of others. Fill our words with the sweet fragrance of love without judgment. Encourage our deeds to reflect Your blessings. Cause us to love the Jesus way. In Christ, this is possible. Amen

Coaches Corner:

Loving others isn’t always easy. If this defines you, a relationship coach can help you take those steps forward. The first 30-minute session is free. https://www.rebuildingfamilies.net/a-life-coach-wants-to-help-you-achieve-your-goals/

“Love will conquer at the last.” ―Tennyson

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