Higglety, pigglety, pop! The dog has eaten the mop; The pig’s in a hurry, The cat’s in a flurry, higglety, pigglety, pop![i]

When I remarried in January 2015, I got a double blessing. Jerry came into my life with an adorable West Highland White Terrier. Sophie is such a sweet dog with an inquisitive happy face and playful spirit. Everyone loves Sophie. But as cute as she is, she’s totally dependent on us for her basic needs. Apart from love, time given to morning walks and play, every other requirement costs money. Sometimes more money than we realized.

As I write this article I’ve just forked over $266.25 to the veterinary clinic. The groomer had alerted me to a problem with Sophie’s right ear. The vet confirmed an active and complex ear infection. Since this was a lingering issue, unresolved by prior treatment, lab work was needed to diagnose the kind of bacteria to treat, followed by two prescriptions to fight that naughty bug, as well as a refill of her itchy skin meds. This was definitely a fresh reminder that pets can have unexpected medical issues, too. I imagine the rest of you pet owners get what I’m talking about.

In my short pet ownership history, I’ve come across several reoccurring monthly expenses. Most are not frivolous. There’s food, collars and leashes, licensing, grooming, vet visits, medications, boarding, and squeaky toys. Spaying and neutering are a onetime expense that further depletes cash flow.

Not everyone will use doggie day care but it is a welcomed and growing industry in most cities today. Pet sitting centers are seen no differently than child day care centers. The owners’ anxiety is relieved knowing poochie is in a safe place while they go about their work. Believe it or not there are dogs who suffer from separation anxiety. Some even destroy things at home when they are left alone. Doggie day care isn’t cheap. One site I looked at charges $15 for half day and $25 for full day. The more days your pet uses the better the weekly/monthly rate. Safe Journey Dog Boarding in Portland, Oregon drops the cost to $11 per half day and 17.50 for each full day when a 30 day pack is bought. Virginia Woof Dog Care, also in Portland, Oregon, charges $27 a day or a monthly rate of $420. Prices will vary but these businesses are growing in popularity. Always ask questions. Seek input from other dog owners. Compare prices before selecting the right day care.

Pet health insurance is an option. Choices are plentiful. An online search for pet health insurance will start the process from the comfort of your own home. Learn the benefits. Read the reviews. Know the monthly costs, deductibles, and the clauses explaining preexisting conditions. The internet is a great place to find money saving deals for pet food and so much more.

Are you ready to grab that tablet? Or would you rather bury your head in the back yard? Fight that urge. Now is the time to recognize the cost of pet ownership; the right time to plan for future needs rather than be caught by surprise. Remember to include an emergency pet fund.

Our Sophie is worth the money it takes to maintain her care. Your pet is, too. Every pet rightfully belongs in the monthly spending plan.


He gives food to every creature. His love endures forever. Psalm 136:25 NIV

[i] Treasury of Poetry and Rhymes, Parragon 2000, Bath UK, p 78

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