Smile—Even at Dirty Dishes

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

If all things are meant to work for our good, why don’t I smile when the sink is full of dirty dishes? Once the meal is eaten, and the chairs are pushed back from the table, I’m ready to relax. But, there’s a pile of dirty dishes calling out to me. I can’t ignore them. Nor do I want to face them in the morning. What if something as simple as an attitude shift could bring smiles to this chore?

Dirty Dishes Represent So Much More

For me cooking is far more fun than elbow-deep in soapy water, scrubbing food scraps off grimy plates and pans. The mess is even bigger at holiday times when it seems every pot, platter, and fancy table item comes out of the cupboards. To everyone’s delight, the table fills with delicious foods and soon looks like a feast fit for Kings and Queens.

One day, as God was doing a work in me, Romans 8:28 caught my attention. If I believe God works good in all things, as He says He does, there must be good in washing dishes, too. I asked God to show me the good. To my delight, He did. That’s when a major attitude shift took place. The chore I once dreaded made an about face and became something I was eager to do. My old grumbling ways were exposed as pity parties I was throwing for myself!

With the new outlook came a happy heart and a willingness to push the old selfish, sulky habits far away. I grew thankful thinking for all things; not just for the nice stuff. Today I smile at dirty dishes because I can now see them representing so much more.

Count the Good God Gives

When we count blessings, it doesn’t take long to see the good God has given to us. My list includes:

  1. A family to prepare meals for
  2. The desire and ability to cook
  3. Transportation to the grocery store
  4. Money to buy groceries
  5. A pantry to store the food
  6. A kitchen with the necessary appliances
  7. Refrigeration
  8. Running water
  9. Natural gas and electricity
  10. Cookbooks galore
  11. Multiple serving dishes
  12. Pretty linens to add a special touch
  13. The chatter of positive feedback around the table
  14. Full tummies
  15. A double sink, and dishwasher, to scrub those dirty dishes
  16. Physical strength to wash, dry, and put away clean dishes
  17. Considerate people who offer to help
  18. Smiling faces and sweet memories to treasure

There’s Good in Wearisome Chores

Washing dishes might not be your pet peeve. Yours could be totally different. But the solution remains the same. A shift in perspective changes everything. I realized some people go to bed hungry—but my family doesn’t. The proof is in the dirty dishes. Every wearisome chore carries good along with it.

The Challenge

I’d like to present a challenge. What might happen if we see the minutes spent feeling sorry for ourselves as minutes we could devote to thankful praise? I believe God’s goodness in all things will show up. It did for me. I found even dirty dishes are worthy of smiles. They are a visible testimony to our Father’s abundant blessings.

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